Nexus Corporation-mobile-app-development

Your Brand. Your Website. Let’s Build It Together!

Nexus Corporation invites you to join hands with the best web design and development firm and create a platform that brings you converting traffic.

Our Accomplishments As An App Development Company

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What Sets Our Web Development AgencyApart from the Rest?

We build projects with our clients. Our teams think and live outside-the-box. We first talk with you in detail to understand your brand voice.

Our UI/UX design teams create a custom strategy based on your specific industry and audience interests. We involve you and incorporate your feedback at every step of the design and development process. We don’t expect you to be tech enthusiasts, so our friendly web developers will break down the details for you!

At Nexus Corporation, We Don’t Dump Projects, We Provide Services



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Comprehensive Web Development Solutions

Each website is like a fingerprint representing the identity of a brand. At Nexus Corporation, we fully realise the significance of this customer-facing platform. Our teams work tirelessly to deliver you a project that offers the best experience to your visitors. Here are some of the web project categories we cater to:

Ready to Fast-Track Your Website Development Project? Contact Our Experts Today!

Do you have a project that needs only the best web developers on the job? Reach out to Nexus Corporation. We provide 100% free, no-obligation consultation. Contact us today!

What Nexus Corporation Promises about its Web Development Services

Our web development services help you create an online presence that matters. Take a look at what our services will always be:

On average, users only wait 2 seconds for a webpage to load before giving up on it and leaving. Nexus Corporation’s team will design and build a lightning-fast site so that your visitors don’t leave and move on to your competitor’s side of the grass.

Your website should be able to work on all types of devices. For example, if it doesn’t work when a user visits your page from a smartphone, you stand to lose that potential customer. We will create a responsive site that works on phones, tablets, desktops—you name it.

Let’s take an example. If users land on your page and get bombarded with popups and live chat notifications, they will think it’s not worth their time and move on. If they do stay and find more issues like a poorly selected theme or unformatted content, well, you can say goodbye to a possible client.

Just like a business, a website or a web application needs to be scalable. So, when you expand your company and incorporate more products and services, your site will need to accommodate the growing needs. Nexus Corporation will provide you with a fully scalable website you can rely on.

When it comes to e-commerce, privacy protection and secure payment structures are a necessity. Our tech-savvy teams will deliver a website secured with an SSL certificate and the payment transactions encrypted with the best payment gateway available.

If you present visitors with two sites—a crude but functional one and the other with the same functionality but an impressive visual appeal, most users would stay longer on the latter. Knowing this, our creative web designers use aesthetics to dazzle your audience.

Our Web Development Process

Take a look at this web design and development process:

Market Analysis

Anyone who knows code can create a website. But what sets apart an amateur from a professional is this: while the former can create a website, the latter will analyse the market to create one that converts.

Market analysis includes studying components like user requirements, preferences, and challenges they need solutions for. This helps a web designer get into the audience’s shoes and create an interface that allows the easiest access to information on your website. The team at Nexus Corporation will conduct a thorough evaluation and use the results to create a website personalised for your visitors.

Wireframe & Design

A wireframe is the basic skeleton of a website that outlines where everything will be. It results in a layout a designer can build on without getting confused mid-way. When the designer’s, a professional creates a site map for search engines to use this file to crawl a website. Once the layout is finalised, design experts use brand colours to incorporate the visual elements.

Nexus Corporation’s web designers will use the market analysis to create a cohesive wireframe with your pages and content structured perfectly. They will also wrap the layout in an eye-catching design that keeps your visitors hooked.

Coding & Development

This web development for front-end websites is the most technical of all stages. In this phase, specialists use code to translate visual elements and integrate components like payment gateways and add-ons.

Nexus Corporation’s web development team will work on the relevant code and incorporate all required elements. We will provide you with a functional link or design images. You can send these to your content writers, and they will create relevant web copy for you. Our developers will then incorporate the content on the (almost) finished website. We will also use SEO plugins to place all pieces of your content appropriately.

Quality Assurance

The development and QA processes work in a loop until there are no issues left. This stage involves vigorous rounds of testing of multiple areas, such as code, user interface, user experience, and device compatibility. Capable QA specialists ensure they resolve every possible problem before the company’s audience visits the website.

Nexus Corporation’s testing teams have a keen eye for details. They work closely with the developers to fix the code and UI bugs. They also keep a check if a “fix” creates another issue. And once they give the green light, your website will be ready for launch.

Launch & Maintenance

The Nexus Corporation teams will work together during the launch stage to make any last-minute adjustments if required. We will also make sure everything we integrated—plugins, third-party systems—works seamlessly. And then we deliver you the final website!

But that’s not all. Websites require ongoing maintenance, and Nexus Corporation provides it free for a full year. We will upgrade tools, fix any new issues, and meet any new requirements you may have. After the year, if you would still like to work with us, you can hire our maintenance services any time you need. We will be happy to be helping you again.

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Web Development

When looking for a web design & development firm, you need to be thorough about vetting the various web development companies before making your choice. Not all services are the same, and if you make a hasty decision, you may get slapped with a sub-par solution, for which you will need a web development consultant to provide a fix.

What’s the best route? Choose Nexus Corporation. And if you’re wondering why, then here are some reasons to persuade you:

Our Game App Developers Can Help You Out

Our teams are qualified to offer bespoke website designing services and solutions for all types of industries.


Frequently Asked Questions

Our pricing depends on multiple factors: the size, type, and complexity of your project and your requirements regarding design and any custom add-ons.

Nexus Corporation can provide you with a free quote. Give us a call on our toll-free number:+1-302-597-7401

Of course, we can!

You can get on a call with one of Nexus Corporation’s professionals, give them the details, and they will take care of it.

A website or web app design includes the visual interface and the basic foundation of how elements on each page will react. So, it’s about knowing things like what happens when you click on a button, hover over an item in the navigation bar, etc. Development involves using programming language to build a structure based on the created design.

A web-based customer relationship management (CRM) software looks like a website. Except, instead of customers using the interface, businesses employ it to manage internal processes. CRMs simplify and automate marketing, sales, and support activities. They can also be customised to incorporate specific internal processes.

If you need a web-based CRM for your brand, reach out to one of our experts today!

Nexus Corporation provides all types of website and web app development, including static and dynamic websites, custom CRMS,
e-commerce web applications, and more.

Today, people use multiple devices to access the internet—not just desktops. Responsive web designs take care to ensure that your website’s interface remains intact no matter which device your audience uses to access it. This helps keep your visitors on your website longer (as compared to non-responsive sites).

Nexus Corporation will Provide You with Superior Design & Development Support

Free Consultation

Nexus Corporation offers a free first consultation—no strings attached! You can discuss your website and web app projects with our experts.

24/7 Assistance

Our customer service personnel and project managers will be ready to help you out with whatever you need, whenever you need it.

Unlimited Revisions

You can request changes in design and UI even as we’re working on them so that the resulting project is exactly what you want.

Start Your Project With Us